Chia seeds have the nutritional prowess to act as a home remedy for several conditions. The tiny, black oval chia seeds boosts a fiber, protein and rich antioxidant profile. A single tablespoon of chia provides you with 19 percent of your recommended fiber intake. It’s also rich in essential fatty acids, particularly omega 3 and [...]
Americans spend $800 million annually on peanut butter and it’s the leading use of peanuts, according to the National Peanut Board. Much of this peanut butter is consumed in candy and other confectionery, or in a peanut butter and jelly sandwiches; snicker bars come to mind. These facts have promoted the idea that peanut butter [...]
Whether you have heard about the healing powers of honey or not, manuka honey does it better. It gets the name from the manuka bush and its honey is produced by hard working bees in New Zealand. It is a monoforal honey, which gives it a unique taste, however, it is the healing, antibacterial properties [...]
Edible mushrooms have been consumed for centuries; however, in the last 50 years more research has been conducted on their effects and reishi mushrooms is one of the few that stands apart. Bio-compounds found in reishi mushrooms, such as polysaccharides has the ability to activate your immune system. Some studies have found that reishi mushrooms [...]
You may want to reconsider scooping out and discarding those pumpkin seeds (or pepitas) next Halloween. The small, flat and oval-shaped seeds accommodate a plethora of nutrients, ranging from heart-healthy monounsaturated fats to zinc and magnesium. Pumpkin seeds are generally available raw or in dry roasted variations at health food stores — avoid salted pumpkin [...]
Recently, coconut oil seems to have an equal amount of supporters and detractors on its proposed benefits on human health. Coconuts, the oil, milk, and water all have medicinal properties that have been used for centuries. It has been hailed as a potential substitute for unhealthy cooking oil, butter in baking and even an ingredient in your [...]
Chocolate is renown for its great taste and is now getting a reputation for its amazing health benefits. Your high-caloric, sugary milk chocolate bars won’t do you much good, but dark chocolate is richer in cocoa, which is believed to hold the key to its health effects. The Cocoa (cacao) bean from which chocolate is [...]
If your body is a car, then carbohydrates are the fuel. Simple or complex carbs are broken down in the body and converted to glucose, which is used for energy. Carbohydrates are a great source of energy, but not all carbs are made equal. Complex carbohydrates vs Simple carbohydrates Simple carbs, such as table sugar, [...]
Spirulina is blue-green algae and a dietary supplement that can truly claim the “superfood” status. The United Nations has dubbed the plant “the best food for the future,” to combat malnutrition due to its rich protein content, multivitamins and essential minerals. However, you don’t have to be malnourished to benefit from adding spirulina in smoothies [...]
All nuts are healthy, but if you have to choose, walnuts are one of the best you can eat. Research has proven its benefits can help prevent many chronic diseases. It is a simple food that you can eat as a snack or add to a smoothie or a salad. A handful of walnuts daily [...]